The server market in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) declined 12.9% to $348.09m in the first quarter of 2013 due to unfavourable economic climate conditions, according to reasearch from the International Data Corporation.

The research firm noted that shipments totalled 70,168 units, representing a 10.9% year-on-year volume decrease.

IDC said precarious economic conditions and weak demand for non-x86 servers had hindered server sales in Q1, marking the third consecutive quarter of decline.

Server Market in CEE


HP led the CEE server market with 37.2% share, followed by IBM ( 25.7%) and Dell (11.9%).

IDC research manager at CEMA Jiri Helebrand said consolidation, cost reduction, and virtualisation are the main initiatives across organisations in the CEE region.

"x86 servers are the main benefactor, and even though spending on x86 servers declined by 9.5% year on year, they fared much better in comparison with non-x86 servers, which posted value contraction of 24.5% in the same period," Helebrand said.

"The adoption of x86 servers in Q1 2013 was stronger than ever, as x86 servers captured 80.3% of market share."