Samsung is planning to launch another variant of its flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone, which can transmit data at about twice the normal speed that users are familiar with.

The new device will be powered by Qualcomm chips and will use LTE-Advanced 4G technology, which is an upgraded version of conventional 4G, and claim to offer data transmission at up to twice the normal 4G speed.

According to the South Korean firm, the latest 4G LTE standard supports highly rapid data rates of up to 3Gbps down and 1.5Gbps up, while the real-world speeds will be between 150Mbps and 300Mbps.

Samsung co-CEO JK Shin was cited by Reuters as saying that the move would make Samsung the first firm to commercially launch the advanced 4G version of the smartphone.

"The new LTE-Advanced (4G) phone will be another addition to our high-end segment offerings that ensure healthy profit margins," Shin.

Samsung also anticipates that the incorporation of hardware offerings including faster data transmission, together with its plans to debut models with unbreakable or flexible displays would assist in protecting margin growth.

"As operators seek to provide more data-centric mobile services, I think this will become mainstream 4G technology globally in the coming years," Shin added.

The device is expected to be launched for the South Korean market by June 2013.

Recently, Samsung launched its new GALAXY S4 zoom smartphone with advanced photographic capabilities and can used as both smartphone as well as a high-end compact camera.