Multi-platform game engine Unity Technologies has decided to end its support for Adobe Flash development, claiming that the popularity of the technology among developers is declining in addition to ‘inconsistent’ support from Adobe.

The decision also comes after Unity’s own web player received heavy traction since last 18 months.

The company has stopped selling Flash deployment licenses, while it promised to keep the feature set all through the 4.xcycle, with bug fixes, while it will not make any further significant investments on the platform.

Unity CEO David Helgason said Adobe has been less firmly committed to the future development of Flash.

"This is evidenced by the cancellation of Flash Player Next, the instability of recent Flash Player versions and by Adobe’s workforce moving on to work on other projects," the statement said.

"By introducing, and then abandoning, a revenue sharing model, Adobe eroded developers’ (and our) trust in Flash as a dependable, continuously improving platform."

In March 2012, Unity revealed plans to collaborate with Adobe to develop a Flash publishing add-on for its platform.