Toshiba has introduced operating system (OS) for many-core processors which claimed to use low power and targeted for use in embedded systems like automotive products and digital consumer products.

The new OS consumes less power by using information inherent to parallel programmes to control power supply while parallel programmes are run by a thread unit while threads are specified to execute them correctly.

The new OS includes a technique that states the number of dependence among threads and controls the execution order to forecast the power requirements.

According to the company increase in the number of cores increases the total power consumption and the multimedia processing including video encoding and decoding and image recognition, requires high performance processors.

It also added, according to current method, the OS controls power to the processor based on computation load history which the company said is not accurate enough to reduce power consumption and fails to manage abrupt fluctuations.

The company claimed that in its evaluation of the OS on many-core processor, the OS used 24.6% less power compared to the standard OS while running a super resolution programme scaled 1920×1080 pixel images to 3840×2160 resolutions.

Toshiba is planning to use the low power OS on embedded systems for high resolution image processing and image recognition applications.