Research by, who produced a new study called Trolled Nation, also shows most teens suffer in silence, as only a third of those bullied online abuse are reporting it to social networks.

According to the work 85% of nineteen year old males say they have experienced online bullying or trolling, the highest proportion of all British teens.

Only just over a third (37%) who experienced online bullying or trolling have ever reported it to the social network.

While fewer than one in five (17%) teens first reaction would be to tell a parent they’ve been affected.

And, only 1% of teenagers say telling a teacher would be their first response to online bullying or trolling.

Arthur Cassidy, psychologist and trolling expert said: "While some might expect girls to be more vulnerable online, this study shows that older boys are more at risk from trolling and cyber bullying.

"Many boys feel under pressure to demonstrate their bravado, particularly on the web, but this attitude and male deficiency in coping strategies can make them more vulnerable and open to trolling.

"Online bullying can have a massive impact on older male teenagers at a time when they are finding their identities.

"Suicide rates are particularly high amongst this demographic, so it’s worrying to hear that teenagers on the whole are choosing to deal with internet abuse themselves rather than speaking to parents or teachers for help."