The agreement will see Adapt host the software on its enterprise Virtual Data Centre (eVDC) platform, providing built-in back-up and disaster recovery capabilities and offering security policies to meet industry regulations.

Launched only in October 2012 property market start-up Castle Trust aims to be a new type of financial institution providing what it says is a safer way to invest in the housing market or to buy a home.

Castle Trust offers investments that provides returns based on the performance of the housing market, as well as partnership mortgages, a new type of shared equity mortgage for homeowners.

Tony Pauley, managing director of Castle Trust, said: "We needed to be incredibly careful when choosing a service provider and, due to the nature of our business.

"We had to be 100% certain the partner afforded the same level of security and protection to the data as we would have applied if we stored it internally.

"With Adapt’s eVDC we get complete assurance that strict security protocols are followed, both at the infrastructure layer and the data layer itself.

"As a start-up, hosting onsite was out of the question financially, but we wouldn’t consider a public cloud solution. With Adapt we get the best of both worlds, with the added benefit of a flexible solution that will scale with our business."