Nokia has filed a brief at the US Court of Appeals in support of Apple’s bid to ban sales of certain Samsung Electronics’ products.

The Finnish mobile maker’s brief follows a decision made by US District Court Judge Lucy Koh in December 2012, denying Apple’s request to ban 26 Samsung products from sale.

Koh ruled that Apple had failed to prove the products affected its sales.

Nokia attorney, Keith Broyles, argued in the brief that the inclusion of a causal nexus requirement into the permanent injunction analysis could have wide-ranging, unintended effects.

Broyles said such a rule could radically alter the US patent protection landscape.

Broyles said Nokia has recently been involved in numerous US patent lawsuits, as both a plaintiff and defendant.

"Nokia is thus both a significant patent owner that might seek an injunction to protect its patent rights, and a manufacturer in an industry in which patent owners routinely issue threats of injunctions for patent infringement," Broyles said.

Last month, the US Court of Appeals rejected Apple’s request to ban sales of Samsung’s Galaxy Nexus smartphone, ahead of a trial which is scheduled for March 2014.

In August 2012, Apple won $1.051bn in a patent suit against Samsung. However, earlier this week Judge Koh reduced the award to Apple to $450m, stating that the jury had improperly caluclated the award.