AT&T is planning to expand its presence in the European market through mobile devices for its home-watchdog products including Digital Life.

According to the firm, about 30 global firms have requested to license Digital Life, which allows users to monitor their homes for leaks and break-ins through a mobile device.

Bloomberg cited AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson as saying that the company is considering international collaborations as it seeks to boost growth outside of its wireless service. "We hoped two or three would be interested and actually a lot more than that were; it was unbelievable," Lurie said.

"We’re back this year signing deals, talking to carriers. We’re going to announce a full international business for Digital Life."

Additionally, the company has collaborated with OnAsset Intelligence to assist airlines and their customers to wirelessly track cargo in transit, schedule shipments and manage routes.

"We still have room to grow in terms of getting our customers to upgrade to smartphones" in the U.S., Lurie said. "Digital Life, connected cars all have huge amounts of revenue growth opportunities."