Canonical, the developer behind the Linux-based operating system, Ubuntu, has released the tablet version of its operating system.

Ubuntu, Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth said: "Our family of interfaces now scales across all screens, so your phone can provide tablet, PC and TV experiences when you dock it."

The company said the new operating system is a step towards one unified family of OS for phones, tablets, PCs and TVs.

Features of the Ubuntu include multitasking, secure multi-user, voice controlled HUD productivity, edge magic for cleaner apps, content focus.

The Ubuntu in tablet interface supports screen sizes from 6inches to 20inches and resolutions from 100PPI to 450PPI and allows access to remote Windows applications over standard protocols from Microsoft, Citrix, VMware and Wyse.

The application is compatible with any Linux-oriented Board Support Package (BSP).

Canonical lead designer for the Ubuntu tablet, Oren Horev, said:"The tablet fits perfectly between phone and PC in the Ubuntu family," says Oren Horev, lead designer for the Ubuntu tablet experience."

"Not only do we integrate phone apps in a distinctive way, we shift from tablet to PC very smoothly in convergence devices."

The company plans to launch the Touch Developer Preview of Ubuntu on 21 February 2013.