Newzbin 2, a website which provides links to pirated movies, has decided to shut down 15 months after it was blocked.

The decision of Newzbin 2 comes after a UK High Court ordered Britain’s Internet service providers (ISPs) to block the site.

Newzbin 2 said in a statement, "For a long time we have struggled with poor indexing of Usenet, poor numbers of reports caused by the majority of our editors dropping out & no-one replacing them.

"Our servers have been unstable and crashing on a regular basis meaning the NZBs & NFOs are unavailable for long periods and we don’t have the money to replace them," the site said.

"Newzbin2 was always hoped to be a viable underground commercial venture," added the site.

The Motion Picture Association (MPA) – which includes film studios Disney, Warner Bros and 20th Century Fox, had filed a case claiming that Newzbin infringed their copyright with illegal file-sharing.

In July last year, a UK High Court judge had ordered BT to block access to Newzbin 2.

Following its success with BT, MPA, in November 2012, had asked other major ISPs including Virgin Media, Sky and TalkTalk to block access to Newzbin2.

In response to MPA’s request, Sky blocked its customers from accessing its site Newzbin2 in December last year.