Construction group Bowmer and Kirkland has started using Egnyte for its enterprise file services solutions.

Bowmer and Kirkland, a company with annual revenues of £662 million, chose Egnyte to provide scalable file sharing, synchronisation and access to address the needs of both IT and its users.

"Egnyte’s hybrid deployment provides everything our business needs; it’s easy to use, secure, and allows us to deliver high-quality projects quicker than before at a competitive cost. It has become the cornerstone of our new IT strategy," said Kevin McDonald, Head of IT at Bowmer and Kirkland.

Egnyte has been standardised across the company’s 26 subsidiaries for more than 1,300 staff members in North America and EMEA.

While teams are working on a remote jobsite or at the corporate office, Bower and Kirkland’s IT team can grant or restrict access to project files, helping to eliminate security and privacy concerns.

Teams of project managers, contractors and subcontractors will be able to review and edit large CAD and BIM files from any device, without wasting time and money printing and managing document versioning issues, or worrying about Internet availability or bandwidth constraints.

"We’re thrilled that Bowmer and Kirkland has chosen to standardise company-wide on Egnyte as the file-services solution of choice for its global teams," said Ian Whiting, president of Worldwide Field Operations for Egnyte.

"This marquee customer is a strong validation of our hybrid architecture and our focus on delivering a solution that meets the needs of enterprise customers."