69% of primary and secondary schools in the UK have introduced tablets for teaching and learning purposes.

A Tablets for Schools study sampled 671 schools across the country, which found that 68% of primary schools and 69% of secondary schools used tablet computers, with 9% providing one tablet per student.

According to the study, the use of tablets is greater within academy schools than in independent schools, with around 45% of the schools planning to introduce the technology into their education system.

The BBC cited the report claiming that the numbers of tablets are expected to grow by up to 900,000 by 2016. However, the study could not show any clear evidence of academic improvement due to the usage of the technology.

A separate study conducted by National Literacy Trust and Pearson concluded that touch-screen computers were useful in helping poorer pupils to learn to read, as kids belonging to low income households were more likely to read on touch-screen computers than on printed books.

The survey also found that 91.7% of children of the age group 3 to 5 have access to touch-screen technology at home.