Analytics specialist Actuate has honed its business intelligence software in an attempt to help businesses make the most of big data.

The software firm hopes the new features in its Embedded Analytics software will help blue-chip businesses deliver real-time information to customers on any device.

"Embedded business intelligence is critical for user organisations seeking to make business intelligence pervasive and to enable and improve decision making at all levels within their organisation," said Howard Dresner, founder and chief research officer at Dresner Advisory Services.

Enhanced features to Actuate’s Embedded Analytics software include BIRT iHub 3.1, which includes advanced visualisation for mobile devices, so customers have instant access to information at any time.

BIRT Analytics 5.0, meanwhile, provides an advanced analytics engine that helps business analysts explore data and find hidden relationships.

"The enhanced features in our Embedded Analytics solution help customers turn data into intelligence embedded within an application for real-time analysis," said Pete Cittadini, president and chief executive of Actuate.

Actuate was recently rated the best vendor in Dresner Advisory Services’ 2014 business intelligence market survey.

The report examines user perceptions and Actuate claimed the top spot by meeting 100 per cent of the embedded business intelligence requirements, including desktop widgets, Google Gadgets and Python API.