Residents of Cotswold town of Minchinhampton in Gloucestershire, UK will become the first users under the Vodafone Rural Open Sure Signal programme to enjoy 3G mobile network in rural area.

The company has used Sure Signal femtocell technology, which is designed to improve 3G coverage in rural areas, to improve communication.

Vodafone claims that after the announcement of Rural Open Sure Signal programme it received hundreds of application from all over UK, with the company selecting 30 communities for the programme.

The areas selected for the programme includes Valley in Hampshire (England), Argyll (Scotland), Pomeroy in County Tyrone (Northern Ireland), Bryneglwys in Denbighshire (Wales) and Itchen.

The aim of the programme is to provide reliable mobile access to up to 100 rural communities in mobile not-spot locations.

Vodafone UK Chief Executive Jeroen Hoencamp said: "Mobile connectivity is an essential service for communities and businesses to thrive in today’s digital world and support local economies.

"As part of the Rural Open Sure Signal programme, we are committed to investing in our network, using innovative technologies such as Sure Signal to provide access even in remote locations where it is otherwise almost impossible to reach."