The Government Digital Service (GDS) has awarded a two-year contract extension to IaaS provider Carrenza. Carrenza will now continue to host the Government services website until October of the primary hosting suppliers of

Due to new rules requiring all Government suppliers to have PGA accreditation, the deal was signed immediately following Carrenza’s Pan Government Accreditation (PGA) to host Official-level information.

Dan Sutherland, Carrenza CEO, said: "I am delighted that Carrenza will continue to play a key role in the delivery of as GDS continue to improve the efficiency of the delivery of IT for government and citizens.

"The fact that we hold Official Pan Government Accreditation enables our customers to have complete trust in our ability to protect important business information, irrespective of whether they operate within Government or the private sector."

Hundreds of public body websites are being migrated to, in order to provide one centralised platform for digital government services.

Carrenza first signed a deal to host in 2013.