Intel has responded to criticism for taking down adverts on the video game developing website Gamasutra, issuing an apology to those who were angered.

Intel removed its advertising campaign from Gamasutra following pressure from advocates of the Gamergate movement, a movement which campaigns against percieved video game journalism bias. It has also been linked with sexism and misogyny in the gaming world, with female gamers and journalists on the receiving end of cyber abuse.

Intel came under pressure from the Gamergate movement to remove its ads becuase of articles that were critical of Gamergate being published on Gamasutra.

Intel initially said: "Our ad placements coincided with recent technology launches and campaigns, and we were using a purchase order made much earlier this year before Gamasutra’s recent controversial articles were published."

Intel then followed this statement up, saying that it did not aim to show support for the Gamergate movement by removing its ads.

The chip maker said: "For the time being, Intel has decided not to continue with our current ad campaign on the gaming site Gamasutra.

"However, we recognize that our action inadvertently created a perception that we are somehow taking sides in an increasingly bitter debate in the gaming community.

"And while we respect the right of individuals to have their personal beliefs and values, Intel does not support any organization or movement that discriminates against women.

"We apologize and we are deeply sorry if we offended anyone."