Emails sent to users in UK are more likely to contain malicious URLs than users in US, Germany or France, making them more them vulnerable to spam, according to a report.

According to the report published by security firm Proofpoint, the ratio of malicious emails over standard ones in the UK is over 2.5 taking the US as a baseline of 1.0.

Average unsolicited emails sent to users in the UK five times more likely to contain a malicious URL than for a user in Germany.

Germany received more spam mails than UK, US or France, but unsolicited email in UK contained more malicious URLs than in Germany, US and France indicating that UK users were being targeted with small amount of unsolicited email but those mails contained more malicious URL.

The malicious emails can send users banking Trojans and credential phish to exploit the system of the end user.

The URL contained JavaScript that were linked directly to malware with a ZIP file, if the user click the URL then the malware downloaded Dyre Trojan, which was used in recent malware campaign against US based banks.

Reportedly the malware also targets user’s log- in and steals data.

Proofpoint also said that it is not just UK or Germany that are being subjected to email attacks but it is a global phenomenon.

The nature of the threat varied making it difficult to figure out, and organisations around the world need to understand the problem in a better way to protect their users.