The makers behind facial recognition app NameTag for Google Glass have introduced similar apps they claim will help doctors and patients.

FacialNetwork says it has been testing HealtcareID that could allow doctors and healthcare professionals to identify patients and provide access to their data.

"HealthcareID empowers doctors with real-time facial recognition for instant secure access to sensitive data such as personal medical records and protects patients by ensuring that only authorised personnel are permitted to enter restricted areas such as maternity wards," the company said on its website.

The firm also introduced a memory support app for Google Glass called ReminderID, which could help people suffering from memory loss with everyday activities.

It claims to help users to confirm the identities and remember the names of co-workers, family members, friends, doctors, nurses and other caretakers.

"A couple months ago I received an extremely touching email from a gentleman who has severe prosopagnosia," FacialNetwork’s CEO Kevin Alan Tussy said.

"He believed that a facial recognition app on Google Glass would be the only way he could recognise his wife and kids. When I read his story I made it a priority to build ReminderID for him and I’m pleased to say he is already testing a beta version."

NameTag, which was released earlier this year by FacialNetworks, uses facial recognition software to scan multiple images on the Internet – mostly ones uploaded to social networking websites to see if it can find a match.

CBR has contacted FacialNetworks for more information.