* unless it’s in a hard case

"Is that a broken iPod nano in your pocket, or are you only half-pleased to see me?"

So far the evidence is fairly anecdotal but more and more iPod nano purchasers are coming forward to say their shiny new iPod nanos are what they are cracked up to be – literally. Many say that the screens on the new portable music players scratch too easily, while a few claim that the LCD screens have inexplicably cracked while the player’s been in their pocket.

Flawedmusicplayer.com is leading the investigation, and predictably the site appears to be attracting comments not only from those who have experienced similar problems but also from those who simply don’t like it when someone criticizes their beloved Apple – or even just one their products, because the author of flawedmusicplayer.com says he’s a big fan of the company’s other gadgets.

Apple is staying mum on the subject, and refusing to reimburse at least some of those who claim their nano screen inexplicably cracked while the gizmo was in their pockets. But it seems entirely feasible that with the nano coming in at just 0.27" wide the screen area is a weak point in the overall torsional rigidity of the device when stressed longitudinally (OK, so I was useless at science).

Whether or not the little fellas crack quite as easily as some are complaining they are wont to is still unclear. In the mean time you might want to put it in a case if you’ve bought one already (sadly spoiling that slim lateral profile), or if you haven’t, consider something sturdier if you plan on putting it in your pocket commando-style and doing anything other than standing serenely in your bedroom and swaying along to Dido. Nice.