By CBR Deputy Editor Matthew Aslett (Jason Stamper is on vacation)

CBR is honoured to announce that its website has been recognized with an Outstanding Website WebAward in the 2005 WebAward Competition, produced by the Web Marketing Association.

Now in its 9th year, the WebAwards judge website development against an ever increasing Internet standard and against peer sites within their industry and recognizes the individual and team achievement of web professionals who create and maintain outstanding corporate web sites.

Details of the judging process and this year’s winners can be found at

CBR was particularly pleased to note that efforts to introduce new features and additional content had been recognised. Among the comments made by judges during a review of were: "Excellent site. Nice use of technology- RSS is a nice and appropriate feature", and "Tons of content laid out really well. Good use of tech".

CBR is not standing still, however, and a host of new features are being introduced to the site, which is constantly updated to bring you all the latest technology news, analysis, and research. To make sure you keep up to date with the latest developments keep coming back to