Microsoft is exploring the possibility of bringing its voice controlled virtual assistant, Cortana to Android and iOS platform.

Microsoft however is in two minds whether extending the personal digital-assistant technology to other rival platforms would wean away the competitive advantage of Windows Phone.

Speaking in a keynote speech at the SMX Advanced search-marketing conference in Seattle, Windows Phone group programme manager Marcus Ash said, "It’s a bit of a head-scratcher for us right now,"

"We want to scale Cortana internationally and across devices," Ash was quoted by Searchengineland.

"The Android/iOS question is interesting. We’re asking, would Cortana be as effective if she didn’t have access to the details on your phone?"

"We’re still trying to get Cortana adopted on Windows Phone and figure out what it wants to become there. But we’re actively talking about this."

Microsoft is worried extending the technology to other platforms anticipating that it could make its own Windows platform less alluring to buy.

"It’s interesting to think about the future of these assistants and whether they become a reason to buy into the ecosystem.That is the other tension we have."

"If you play this out five to ten years, and these assistants become the reason you choose Android or iOS or Windows, then what’s our position? Could Cortana be the thing that, as a Windows user, (makes me feel like) I’ve got to get a Windows phone?"

When asked about monetisation opportunity of the digital assistant technology the company believes that it is too early to talk about that.

"We think we’re in the stage right now where we have to build trust with the users. We’ll explore monetization eventually, but Cortana is so nascent. It’s too early," Ash added.

"We know there are commercial opportunities, but in this first year we need to establish what Cortana is and how people use it."

The company has released developer preview version of Cortana for Windows Phone 8.1 in beta mode in the US and plan to release it in China and UK later this year.