Acer has revealed its plan to push into cloud computing today, amidst figures that indicate a shrinking PC market.

Acer, a Taiwanese firm, is currently the fourth largest manufacturer of PCs, and now wants to start developing software and providing online services under the name Build Your Own Cloud (BYOC).

The global PC market shrank 10% at the end of 2013, and it was then when Acer announced it BYOC plans, where users can store their data on the cloud and run applications purely online.

Stan Shih, Acer founder and Chairman, said: "The computer is still our foundation, but BYOC is a new platform for integration, cross-compatibility and convenience."

Acer sees BYOC as the future of personal cloud computing, and with a further shift of focus to the Internet of Things, Acer detailed how users can use the remote connectivity of devices to use home appliances using smartphones.

Shih is to retire this June, but said he will aid Acer find BYOC partners past this date.

Acer is entering a competitive market, however, with Google and Amazon both dropping their cloud computing prices in March. Cisco and HP also recently revealed $1bn cloud investments.

Data from research firm IDC showed that Acer’s PC shipments fell by 20.2% in the first quarter of 2014, alongside an overall market drop of 4.4%.

Acer has also partnered up with California-based software makers NTI to help push BYOC. Both NTI and Acer said that is in their best interests to explore a collaboration with the purpose of launching the BYOC service.

NTI president Bill Yao said: "NTI has been a software supplier to Acer since 1999. It’s both an honor and our responsibility to be a member of Acer’s BYOC alliance. We believe in Acer’s strong vision, and we are very confident that our software expertise will help realize that vision."