If Google has its way, you could soon be getting adverts sent directly to your fridge, car dashboard, or even glasses.

The search giant’s plans have been revealed following the publication of a letter it sent to the US Securities and Exchange Commission in December 2013, which outlined the company’s strategy to begin delivering marketing content to gadgets and appliances within the next few years, which it dubbed ‘Enhanced Campaigns’.

"Our expectation is that users will be using our services and viewing our ads on an increasingly wide diversity of devices in the future, and thus our advertising systems are becoming increasingly device-agnostic," the letter stated

"Enhanced Campaigns was specifically designed to help advertisers become more efficient in a multi-device future; rather than writing unique desktop campaigns, handset campaigns, and tablet campaigns, etc."

"Enhanced Campaigns allows our advertisers to write one ad campaign, which we serve dynamically to the right user at the right time on whatever device makes the most sense."

"Because users will increasingly view ads and make purchase decisions on and across multiple devices, our view of revenue is similarly device-agnostic.

In its letter, Google also attempts to explain to the US regulator why it wants to keep the size of its mobile business under wrap from investors, saying that mobile business is changing too rapidly to conform to definitions.

"It is increasingly challenging to define what exactly a "mobile" platform is from period to period — and what it will be going forward," the company wrote. "For example, initially, most industry observers would have included tablets (in addition to handsets) in their definition of "mobile".

"We expect the definition of "mobile" to continue to evolve as more and more "smart" devices gain traction in the market."

Earlier this year, Google formed the Open Automotive Alliance (OAA) along with Audi, GM, Google, Honda, Hyundai and NVIDIA to bring its Android platform to cars.

In January, the company had acquired a California based manufacturer of sensor-driven, Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats and smoke detectors, Nest for about $3.2bn.

Nest CEO and founder Tony Fadell clarified in a statement that it will not be running advertisement in thermostats.

"Nest is being run independently from the rest of Google, with a separate management team, brand and culture," Fadell added.

"For example, Nest has a paid-for business model, while Google has generally had an ads-supported business model. We have nothing against ads – after all Nest does lots of advertising. We just don’t think ads are right for the Nest user experience."