As the recent tube strikes proved to many Londoners, many of us lack a good back-up plan when our usual travel routes are disrupted. Mobile phones were meant to mean we never got lost again, thanks to GPS signals and integrated mapping apps, but when these fall short, who do you turn to? Here are five of our favourites…



One of the most comprehensive services around, Citymapper compares all methods of transport, whether, Tube, Bus, bike, or even walking, to find you the quickest route to your destination. It also includes real-time updates on the traffic situation, and will even provide you with information on the weather, so you know whether to dash for the bus or wait it out.



Sick of getting stuck in traffic jams on your usual route? Waze might be the solution, as it pools together data from its thousands of users to create real-time updates on the traffic situation. Users can report accidents, hazards, police stoppages, and all other road blockages, with Waze then providing suggestions for alternate routes. If you’re running low on fuel, it’ll even find the closest petrol station for you, so you never run dry.



Originally developed in Germany, Offi has now been rolled out across Europe. Blending together typical mapping services with real-time traffic updates, Offi provides a colourful yet clear illustration of the best routes for you to take, whether on foot, in car or using public transport.



Moovit opens up route planning to the world – the app is a cooperative, community-driven service where users can contribute information gained from their own travel. Accident happened just down the road which is delaying the buses? Nearby users or app operators will upload this information and let you reschedule your route quickly and easily. Sadly, it’s currently only available in the US, but a UK release is scheduled soon.



Finally, if all else fails and you lose patience with public transport, you can always call a taxi to ferry you to your destination. Enter in your location and the app will pinpoint the closest drivers to you, and also quote you a fare for your journey.