European cyber attacks dramatically increased in the last four months of 2013, with workstation infections witnessing a phenomenal rise, according to the FireEye Advanced Threat Report 2013.

The research revealed that over 250 new workstations were infected every day primarily impacting the Healthcare, Financial Services and Government verticals.

While the number of unique infections more than doubled from January to December 2013, Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany and France represented more than 70% of infections across 2013.

No industry vertical in Europe was immune to infections with advanced attacks becoming a harsh reality in Europe.

Healthcare was the most impacted, representing 21% of infections in Europe followed by Financial Services, which accounted for 17% of attacks.

According to report, the UK, Germany and Switzerland were the top-three most impacted and infected countries in Europe.

The report forewarns the European countries to adopt strategies neutralising these cyber attacks before they become a menace.