LinkedIn is the network for professionals, a place to communicate with colleagues and old classmates, where you can promote yourself and your business. It’s the equivalent of an online CV, and the more thorough and active you are, the better. LinkedIn can be a really smart tool when it comes to networking, finding jobs, seeking clients and promoting companies. Follow our ten steps to become a LinkedIn pro.

10. People You May Know

People You May Know

Photo: LinkedIn

The ‘People You May Know’ section on your LinkedIn’s home page is a great place to browse for potential new contacts. The website uses the information on your profile, from your education to your employment history, to find people with similar profiles. This could mean you could find old classmates or colleagues, and you never know if one day you might need them in your networking circles. It also links you with people with whom you share a connection.

So if you connect with someone from your new place of employment, it could be the fast and simple way of finding new colleagues. Only connect with people that you know or have a unique connection with, LinkedIn is not the place for scoring huge contact lists, but for keeping in touch with people who can be potentially useful in your career and who you know personally or professionally.

9. Endorsements


Photo: LinkedIn

Begin by writing your skills on your profile using tags. These will then appear for your contacts to see, and the can choose to endorse them. This then backs up your claim that you can use Adobe Photoshop or have a good knowledge of SEO. It is like a small, personal recommendation that can be relied on as it is by someone you know well or have worked with. If someone endorses you, endorse them back. Go on their profile and return the favour by endorsing the skills you know they possess. This back and forth endorsing is not only great for your profile, but can also boost communication with your contacts.

8. Upgrade to LinkedIn Premium

LinkedIn Premium

Photo: LinkedIn

Having a regular LinkedIn account is enough to get by, it still allows you to network, view jobs and update your profile. But there are several advantages of upgrading to LinkedIn Premium. It will allow you to see the complete list of users who have viewed your profile, as the basic account only gives you limited views. It also enables you to contact anyone through private messages and see all full profiles. LinkedIn Premium also lets you view more jobs and connections.

7. Join Groups


Photo: LinkedIn

Joining groups on LinkedIn is a great way of expanding your contact list and making new connections. It allows you to converse with other users with similar interests. Seek out a group that is related to your career or interests and be vocal in it, make contributions and talk to users within the group. An easy way of talking to people with the same interests and career.

6. Follow Rival Companies

Follow Rival Companies

Photo: LinkedIn

Not only should you follow your favourite companies and brands to keep up to date with their movements, you should follow your rivals too. This helps you be more aware of the competition and see what other businesses within your sector are up to. This can help you decide where you should focus and what your next steps should be.

5. Find Jobs

Find Jobs

Photo: LinkedIn

If you’re on the look out for a new job, LinkedIn is the place to be. You can request job updates to be sent to your email account, giving you easy exposure to the newest jobs out there that are suited to you. LinkedIn uses your profile’s employment and education history and details to find the most appropriate jobs out there. Some of the biggest brands advertise jobs on LinkedIn, making it a quick and easy way of seeing what positions are out there that are suitable for you. LinkedIn can also be a great way of finding new potential employees.

4. Be Thorough

Update Profile

Photo: LinkedIn

Your profile should be like a thorough biography. Fill in every section in great detail. Ensure that your contact details are always up to date, with your current phone number and email address if you choose to share them. Add your other social media details such as your Twitter account and Google+ to share connections across networks. Add detailed information about your education and employment history, adding in your portfolio and describing your role and responsibilities at each position. You can include skills, languages you speak, and even upload images and articles published. This will give your profile a more unique feel.

3. Network


Photo: LinkedIn

So you’ve got a wide network of colleagues, clients and old classmates. Now what? Well, get talking! Message old colleagues for updates on their new career path, comment on articles that people post and endorse your connections. This is key to keeping your contacts close by communicating as often as you can. You can also use InMaps by LinkedIn, which allows you to map your professional network and understand the relationship between you and your connections.

2. Get the App


Photo: LinkedIn

I recommend getting the LinkedIn app for iOS or Android. It’s handy for communicating and networking on the go. It is especially useful at events and conferences, as you can immediately add someone to your LinkedIn network without swapping business cards or noting down details on scrap pieces of paper. The app can send you push notifications, allowing you to immediately see any new contacts or messages.

1. Stay Visible – Post Updates

Post updates

Photo: LinkedIn

Similar to other networking sites, LinkedIn enables users to post updates on a timeline. The feed may not be as constantly updated as Facebook or Twitter, but is a great place to share the important things, such as articles relating to your business or corporate updates. Being visible on LinkedIn ensures that you don’t become forgotten in a sea of contacts. Posting updates and commenting or liking other users’ updates is a good way of staying in the loop, promoting your business (or yourself) and letting your contacts know what you’re up to.