Samsung announced its vision of a Smart Home service at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where a home’s lights could be turned off when the owner said "going out" into their smartwatch.

Samsung said that the service would at first be limited to its own products, but wants to add support to third parties’ devices in the future.

Other companies are expected to demonstrate competing visions at the event.

The technology will be demonstrated when the CES opens officially today.

Archos plans to rival Samsung with an Android-powered Smart Home tablet.

LG will also show off its HomeChat system, announced last year, which allows owners to control devices by sending them SMS-based text messages.

Samsung said its new service would initially offer three features: device control, Home View (cameras built into TVs and other appliances can be used to provide real-time video feeds to a user’s smartphone) and customer service (appliances will notify the app if a part needs to be cleaned or replaced).

The company said that it intended to expand the platform to support healthcare products, door locks and unspecified "eco-home applications" at a later date, and would also release a software protocol to enable other device-makers to link up their machines.