Nvidia’s has released a new processor that it claims will allow smartphones and tablets to offer better graphics than game consoles.

The Tegra K1 is also said to deliver better performance than any other mobile GPU using the same power level.

The chip is available in two variants including the 32-bit quad-core, which is expected to appear in devices in the first half of 2014, with the 64-bit version following before the end of the year.

The 64-bit variant is built using Nvidia’s Denver CPU and based on the ARM architecture, while both versions feature a 192-core super chip with Nvidia Kepler architecture.

The processor is capable of running gaming engines like Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 4, while offering computation capabilities to speed the development of applications for computer vision, according to the firm.

Nvidia co-founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang said:"It bridges the gap for developers, who can now build next-gen games and apps that will run on any device."

Tegra K1 offers support for the latest PC-class gaming technologies including DirectX 11, OpenGL 4.4 and tessellation that allow PC and console game developers to offer their creations through mobile devices.

Nvidia also claimed that the processor will help to deliver self-driving cars to the mass market using automotive-grade version from the same GPU. The company said it will have advanced computational capabilities and run several auto applications consuming less power.

Nvidia will showcase the Tegra K1 processor at the 2014 International Consumer Electronics Show scheduled to be held at the South Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Centre in Las Vegas in January 2014.