Majority of adults in the US used LinkedIn and Pinterest compared to Twitter during 2013, a new Pew Research Center report has found.

According to the report, the micro-blogging platform, however, attracts a greater share of non-whites and young adults than its social media peers.

About 21% of the overall survey respondents revealed that they use Pinterest, reporting a sharp rise from 15% percent registered in 2012, according to Reuters.

Pew report said: "Pinterest holds particular appeal to female users (women are four times as likely as men to be Pinterest users), and LinkedIn is especially popular among college graduates and Internet users in higher-income households."

In addition, 22% of survey respondents reportedly used LinkedIn, while 18% preferred Twitter.

Pew research also revealed that about 29% of the blacks surveyed used Twitter, which is more than 16% for whites and Hispanics.

Twitter topped the list in terms of engagement, with 46% of them using it every day, compared to 23% for Pinterest and 13% percent for LinkedIn.

In addition, another Pew report revealed that about 71% of them used Facebook, reporting a 67% rise than a year earlier.

"Facebook is the dominant social networking platform in the number of users, but a striking number of users are now diversifying onto other platforms," the Pew study said.

Facebook also has high levels of engagement among its users: 63% of Facebook users visit the site at least once a day, with 40% doing so multiple times throughout the day.