European enterprises continue to spend most of their telecoms budgets on voice services as counterparts in other regions move towards data.

According to Kable’s Global ICT Customer Insight report, mobile and fixed voice services still dominate telecoms budgets, with 20.4 percent and 20.0 percent on average being spent on these services respectively – taking a total of 40.4 percent of the budget.

Data and wireless data were further behind on the European list, with a total of 33.8 percent going on data, including broadband and wireless services such as 3G and wi-fi.

In Asia, by contrast, 37.1 percent of the telecoms budget on average went on data services, about the same as the spend on fixed and mobile voice services at 37 percent.

In North America, data spend took 36.2 percent of the budget, while voice services took a combined 34.3 percent.

Central and Latin American companies spent 39.4 percent of budgets on voice and 39 percent on data, while these figures were 36.2 percent and 37.8 percent respectively for Middle East and Africa.

The biggest spenders on converged voice and data networks were companies in the Middle East and Africa region, with 21.3 percent.

This category took 14.9 percent of spend in Europe, 17.2 percent in Asia, and 16.1 percent in North America.

All figures come from Kable’s ICT Customer Insight survey, which polled 2685 respondents, from across the world in Q4 2014. The survey findings include data on hardware budget allocation, telecommunications budget allocation and software budget allocation. Subscribe to Kable here.