1. Software as an immune system

"Rather than being a broad cyber security company, there is exactly one thing we’re interested in which is the application of advanced mathematics and machine learning to try and move forward some of the hard issues in cyber security"

2. The power of mathematics and machine learning

"Regardless of what the drawing says, and what their job title says they should do, we just learn what does happen, not matter how complicated the business and let business know what has changed its changed in a way that might be worthy of having a look at."

3. Safety consequences of cyber attacks

"When you look at manufacturer, or areas like oil and gas, safety is the number thing."

What happens, for example "if someone inadvertly makes a shop floor robot turn around in a way its never done before or is not supposed to and that injures her factory work or an employer or a visitor?"

4. Confidence in the UK’s position in the cyber security universe

"Maybe there’s a gap between where we want to be and where we are, but we shouldn’t lose track of how far in front the UK is compared to a lot of global regions."

The full interview can be read here.