Facebook, NTT and Big Switch Networks are creating a unified operating system for the Open Compute Project.

The companies are developing an open source networking switch called Open Network Linux, which is designed to help companies to use the OCP’s open source switches.

Basically, the project aims to make switches easier to use. This means taking disparate components that previously had to be stitched together and bringing them together in a platform style.

The OCP was formed when Facebook begun creating its own hardware. It contributes designs and software to the project.

The platform works as the base operating system code that configures the components that make up the switch. This can include environmental sensors, fan drivers and many others.

As a starting point the three companies have developed reference components; Facebook with Open Switch System, L3 Routing from NTT and OpenFlow from Big Switch Networks.

These references give engineers a starting point from which to build their own agents.