The BBC has been a national champion for digital technology in the UK and has enabled the country to turn into a global leader in broadcast innovation, according to the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

The response comes in view of the UK government’s initiative to review the BBC’s Royal Charter in order to ensure that it continues to operate as a ‘valued public broadcaster’.

The consultation will be carried out by the Department for Culture, Media & Sport and is expected to close on October 8.

IET Communications Policy Panel chair person Professor Will Stewart said: "Without the BBC it’s unlikely that people would be enjoying the vast range of digital technologies, including on demand and catch up, that they do today.

"Millions of people now watch digital television and regularly tune into the BBC iPlayer, and its counterpart services from the other channels. The technology behind these services was pioneered by the BBC.

"With the political microscope so firmly focused on the BBC, it’s important that we consider not only their role as a public broadcaster, but also their value to the UK economy as an early adopter of digital innovation.

"The UK’s current position as a global broadcast technology leader is, to a large degree, due to the BBC.

"Where the BBC could improve is in the governance of its technology innovation. For example, recognising the crucial role technological innovation must play in its future, it should consider strengthening its Technology Advisory Board, which should report into the BBC Board rather than the BBC Trust."