Intel is introducing new technologies to improve real-time data analytics for the IoT space and even cure cancer by using the cloud.

At Intel’s Developer Forum (IDF) 2015, being hosted in San Francisco this week, Intel executives have shown a deep interest in stepping up the company’s role in the big data, IoT and cloud space by overcoming problems relating to how companies gather smart data and analyse it.

Diane Bryant (pictured), SVP and GM of Intel’s Data Centre Group (DCG) told the audience: "Demand for this capability is creating a transition away from the digital economy and towards an algorithm economy.

"We’re all around all this data, and we are waiting for [information] to bubble up from that data."

The firm also announced that its cloud-computing platform dedicated to cancer research, created in partnership with the Knight Cancer Institute at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), has reached a stage where new organisations are expected to join in soon.

Intel said that next year, two health care centres, one in Boston and another one in Austin, Texas, should be joining the Collaborative Cancer Cloud, where organisations can access and share data on the topic. This data is hosted in a shared data centre, according to the semiconductor company.

Dr Brian Druker, M.D., Director at OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, also told the audience that cancer research groups "are hesitant to share data for security concerns". Bryant added that the project is secure enough for several bodies to join in and share knowledge without fearing something could go wrong.

Targeting the applications market, Intel has also introduced Discover Peak, a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) cloud software suite for data scientists and apps designers.

The solution offers users data platform components like Hadoop, Spark, data preparation process transform and filtering, tools and algorithm, model deployment, machine learning algorithms, a data scientist developer kit, visualisation tools and an analytics engine.

Bryant told the audience: "Discovery Peak reduces complexity by providing a complete integrated solution, and it provides more control and flexibility as its open source, and it can run on a public or private cloud."

Intel added that it predicts over 50 billion devices and "things" will be connected by 2020.