1. Wire data is the richest and most voluminous source of data, but it’s easy to drown in that data.

"You can drown in data and most of its noise. It’s perhaps a dirty secret amongst software developers that most applications log error all day long, but they’re innocuous and expected during the normal operation of the application."

2. Trying to find data in scale that equates to more words than have ever been spoken by all humans in history.

"I can’t find what I’m looking for in a relatively small package trace. To look for a problem in a large packet trace is like looking for a snowflake in an avalanche, I could spend the rest of my life doing it."

3. Vendors selling tools that are like a shovel.

"A lot of vendors sell tools but tools are like a shovel. They do one thing and do one thing well – but they’re not particularly flexible. Shovels’ are great for digging holes but not so great for painting a wall."

4. The market looking for best of breed, not a cobbled together suite.

"People have found that most of the large integrated suites aren’t as integrated as they’d like, a lot are cobbled together through acquisitions."

The full interview can be read here.