US President Barack Obama has signed an executive order to build world’s fastest computer. The supercomputer is expected to be 20 times faster than the existing fastest machine which is in China.

The national strategic computing initiative (NSCI) intends to set up a multi-agency strategic vision and federal investment strategy in high-performance computing (HPC).

The strategy will be implemented in collaboration with industry and academia. It aims to accelerate the creation and deployment of computing technology at the leading edge, helping in advancing administration priorities for economic competiveness, scientific discovery, and national security.

However, Jason Ward, Senior Director Enterprise UK&I, EMC, has raised concerns about the initiative, warning that the supercomputer could be obselete before it is even launched.

"In the technology world, planning and preparation – and predicting future needs – are vital to ensuring that the necessary capacity and skills are in place. Those building the newest supercomputer will need to accurately anticipate the technological environment 10-20 years from now in order to ensure that it is not out-dated before it is even launched."

However, Ward did point out that the potential of such a supercomuter could have far reaching implications, and not just for the technology industry.

"Speed in technology is everything; whether it is to provide the biggest, fastest or be the first to market. The news that the US is to build the fastest supercomputer by 2025 is significant for not only the technology industry, but could also impact the public – just think of what could be done with it from a data analytics perspective to understand more about everything from genomes to the solar system."