Russian defence ministry has introduced a new tablet, which is powered by an encryption version of Google’s Andriod operating system.
The new tablet will be launched at the IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin on this Thursday and the tablet was developed under a military research project backed by private funding.
New Russian tablet will run on the Russian Mobile Operating System (RoMOS) and will be assembled at a defence ministry research facility.
In addition, the new device features GLONASS, Russia’s alternative to Global Position Service (GPS), which was added to Apple’s iPhones this year.
The tablet is expected to be available in two versions, one for consumers and one for defence needs and will be available by the end of 2012 at a retail price of $460.
The National Nuclear Research University Moscow Production Unit director Andrei Starikovsky said the new operating system has all the functional capabilities of an Android operating system but none of its hidden features that send users’ private data to Google headquarters.
"The military version will be shock and water proof," Starikovsky said.