Entegris will launch its 10nm rated Intercept HPM liquid filter, which is the latest innovation in its line of filter applications claimed to help semiconductor manufacturers ramp technology node.

The new appliation will be unveiled at the SEMICON Taiwan tradeshow to be held in Taipei, Taiwan between 05-07 September 2012

According to Entegris, the design of the new version of Intercept HPM family of filters will assist in removing particles and other contaminants from dilute liquid chemistries and solutions that are used in advanced semiconductor fabrication facilities for the wet etching and cleaning processes.

The new filter uses an asymmetric ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UPE) with a customised surface, which is claimed to offer the highest degree of particle retention and allows clean process flow.

Entegris Contamination Solutions Division vice president and general manager Todd Edlund said as the semiconductor industry continues to develop more advanced chip designs using sub-20nm process technologies, more advanced filtration is needed to achieve the desired defectivity levels.

"The 10 nanometer-rated Intercept HPM filter expands our broad offering of liquid filters, and complements our Torrento® line ofadvanced high-flow filters used for aggressive chemistries," Edlund said.

Entegris said that there is a requirement for enhanced filtration techniques to comply with quality levels of semiconductor industry’s rapid advances towards chip design process through the use of below 20nm processes.