Iceotope developed a fan-less Mellanox-based InfiniBand and Ethernet high-performance network and interconnect switch for High Performance Computing (HPC).

The Sheffield-based company said the solution enables chiller-less operation in all climates, with absolutely no airflow, and significant efficiency benefits.

Combined with Iceotope’s technology, Mellanox’s switches can be cooled with with hot water with temperatures of up to 45C.

The company said this allows the switches to be installed in any climate without the need for chillers.

The switch components are cooled down by transferring all the heat directly into liquid.

The waste heat is then removed in the form of hot water, which is pumped around the cabinet and can be repurposed for domestic heating.

Peter Hopton, CVO at Iceotope, said: "The HPC industry is embracing liquid cooling at a remarkable rate, it’s just a case of technologies being available to match demand."

Gilad Shainer, VP of marketing at Mellanox Technologies, said: "Liquid cooling is an extremely exciting proposition in the HPC market. "