Huawei is joining forces with European partners to launch the first phase of the European 5G public private partnership.

The company is working on five of the 19 EU co-funded projects, which is expected to leverage a total of €3.5 billion in private investment, with €700 million in EU funding.

The aim of the project is to strengthen European research and global cooperation as they target a communication infrastructure that is capable of coping with future demands for wireless.

The challenges being faced are the need to provide 1000 times’ higher wireless area capacity and saving up to 90% of energy per service provided.

Huawei, which is a board member of the 5G Infrastructure Association, is contributing expertise and global resources to the more future-oriented elements of projects that are being implemented under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.

Dr. Wen Tong, Huawei Wireless CTO, said: "5G is the standard that will take us into the era of ‘smart everything’. This will create vast business opportunities while enhancing quality of life on a number of levels.

"Building fruitful alliances will be key to bringing us closer to transforming our vision of 5G into a global standard. Europe has huge potential for boosting 5G development by federating efforts, and the 5G-PPP is a good illustration of this approach."

In four of the five packages, Huawei will be leading the work in areas such as, METIS-II, mobile and wireless communications enablers, as well as mmMAGIC which is a millimetre-wave based mobile radio access networks for fifth generation integrated communications.

In addition to these projects, the company is conducting a joint research programme with the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre, it plans to invest £5m in research there by 2018.

The company runs 18 R&D sites located across Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden and the UK.