Home Secretary Theresa May bagged the ISPA award for Internet Villain of 2015 for forging ahead with communications data legislation without fully consulting the industry.

The organisation said that ISPs need to be consulted about the Investigatory Powers Bill which May will take to the Parliament in the coming months.

May was not present at the 17th Annual UK Internet Industry Awards, and the award was picked by Privacy International on her behalf.

David Davis MP and Tom Watson MP were jointly named as Internet Hero for their legal action against DRIPA.

Mikko Hyppönen, CRO at F-Secure and presenter of the ceremony said that Davis and Watson are some of the best informed politicians on surveillance.

John Souter, CEO of LINX, was awarded a special ISPA’s 20th Anniversary Award for his service to the Internet industry.

Nick Lansman, ISPA Secretary General, said: "The Hero and Villain Awards show that industry needs to be included in the surveillance debate".